Little Green Men
Yesterday's premiere of Steven Spielberg's Taken has prompted me to talk about my interest in all things extraterrestial. Little green men, metallic suits, ray guns, are stuff that have captured my imagination at a very young age. I have no idea where this fascination came from. Graphic dscriptions of humans being forcibly taken or convinced to go away with aliens into their blindingly bright spaceships in countless books on UFOs and alien abductions is perhaps the primary reason for my interest in this. Having such an interest ain't good since many have been labelled mad, or looney, for believing in aliens. I believe that most, 99.9%, of the stories or photos are just stories or fakes concocted by pranksters for a good laugh. But I believe that the unexplained phenomenon observed in that 0.01% points to something which we humans currently can't explain, or even begin to find out.
Life in outerspace is something which I believe. If the universe is infinite, I find it incomprehensible that planets in other universes cannot go through Earth's mind boggling odds of creating life. Statistically speaking, if it can happen to Earth, why not planet X, Y, or even Z, millions of lightyears away? Not seeing something doesn't mean that the 'something' does not exist. Many a times, the flashing lights or balls of flames in the sky could perhaps be explained by natural phenomenon, but some are still unexplained. So, the verdict is still out on that.

Fieldmarshal Meets the Furry Alien
Fieldmarshal - Welcome to planet Earth my ugly looking friend! (grins widely)
Furry Alien - wheeze, hoot, rasp (raises an appendage with a rock like rod)
Fieldmarshal - Errr friend, I am not getting to you dude. And what's with that stick? (a present for Fieldmarshal?)
Furry Alien - makes strangling sound while pointing the stupid rock-like object at FM.
Fieldmarshal - Oh, my first interplantary gift. Cool, dude. (Grabs the stick from the alien)
Furry Alien - screeches in high shrilly tones and start making lots of noise.
Fieldmarshal - Ah, my very first alien present. Hey there's sort of a cavity for a finger here. What's that. Feels warm inside. (Fiddles with the stick and sticks finger into the cavity)
Furry Alien - screeching like a crazed bird and turning more green (if that's possible)
Fieldmarshal - (thinking it is an intergalactic way of greeting starts shouting together with the alien) THANKS YOU MY UGLY GREEN FRIEND. I WILL GIVE YOU A SPECIAL SINGAPOREAN 'FINE CITY' T-SHIRT LATER. I AM SURE YOUR BUDS WILL LOVE IT! AND AS A SHOW OF ETERNAL FRIENDSHIP, LET ME USE YOU STICK TO GREET YOU BACK! (points the stick at the alien and puts finger into the cavity, hears a soft 'psssssssfffff' and a sudden gush of warm air, but turns away from the alien after hearing his name being called)
Mydaemon - Dear, who are you talking to?
Fieldmarshal - Hey, come and meet this cool alien dude who just gave me this wonderful gift. (turns back to ugly green alien).
Mydaemon - Hmmm, I don't see anyone here. Just a huge heap of dried green bird pooh.
Fieldmarshal - (loss for words) But.. but... it was right where the bird pooh is now. MR ALIEN! MR ALIEN! WHERE ARE YOU? (still thinks that shouting is the best way of communicating with it)
Mydaemon - Stop playing with that piece of rock and clean up the place. (takes the stick from FM's hand and dumps it into the trash can)
Fieldmarshal - Darn, I could have sworn I spoke to an alien. (takes up a dustpan and broom to clear the huge pile of bird pooh)
'Huge Bird Pooh' (aka alien after being fried by superduper laser beam that kills humans) - f u c ....... (last sound it made)
Tsk tsk, what a dirty mouthed alien.
9/30/2005 04:06:00 pm
I have been intrigued by the phenomenon of extra-terrestial life ever since X-Files and the Alien franchise. But I hope they are not vicious acid spewing parasite breeders as portrayed in Aliens. In fact, I think its better they dont exist lest they threaten our survival. I mean, we've got enough problems with terrorists and malicious infectious diseases already. We dont need another.
10/04/2005 04:23:00 pm
Yah. Although, we could be as dangerous to the aliens as they are to us. Remember how the aliens kicked the bucket in Signs and War of the Worlds. They are just as vulnerable to our diseases as we are to theirs.