Cavanagh Bridge
This is a picture I took while walking towards the ACM. The only visible part of the bridge is the support structure in the foreground. Well, what inspired this shot was the way the tree and structure 'framed' the picture. I have this soft spot for framing my photos with trees. Tell me what you think of this shot. :)

9/21/2005 08:54:00 pm
Trees are really good 'frames' for picures. But i found the support structure a bit distracting. Can't really decide what is the focus on the picture. But the colours are very nice.
Sorry hope u don't mind my comments. They're just personal views.
I have a photoblog too. Come visit. Like you I'm posting my pics so can get comments to improve.
9/22/2005 08:50:00 am
I know what you mean. Everything in the photo seems to be fighting for the same attention. But that's what I found it interesting. Everything seemed 'equal'.
Apart from this, I also liked the fact that it captured 3 distinct elements - wood, metal and stone.
While this shot runs against the grain of the good mainstream composition, I liked the way that nothing stands out. Or rather, everything wants to stand out. For this photo, one should try not to focus on anything but the whole picture.
Anyway, photography is a personal expression of perspective. So, don't look for the 'perfect' shot here cause I like to try shots that sometimes veer away from mainstream acceptance.
Thanks for the comments. :)
9/22/2005 12:27:00 pm
Yes I can appreciate the wood, metal and stone elements. That to me is also a very interesting aspect to this pic :)
9/22/2005 09:30:00 pm
BTW, it's admirable that you know this is called Cavanagh Bridge. I've always found it difficult to remember and differentiate between the bridges in SG. The only bridge I know is like Benjamin Shears... lol