Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Some spoilers ahead?
Not having read the story behind a movie can be such a bliss sometimes. The story I am talking about is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (CATCF) - by Roald Dahl. Having been rather a boring reader of sorts in my youth, the books I read were mostly by Enid Blyton, Caroline Keene(?) - of the Nancy Drew fame, errr... and the author of the Hardy Boys series. It's a pity that I never had the chance to lay my hands on a Roald Dahl book. Well, on hindsight, this oversight ain't that bad afterall.
Going into the cinema 'blind', I expected CATCF to be a visual treat. That was the only expectation as I had no inkling on what the story's about, let alone the effects, since Tim Burton is directing it. Frankly speaking, I was kind of worried that CATCF would turn out to be a dark and brooding movie a la Batman style. But I was in for a surprise. Thankfully, Burton seems to have shaken off that dark and brooding style that he's so well known for. CATCF was indeed a refreshing change.
Willy Wonka - the eccentric owner of a 'magical' chocolate factory - was well portrayed by Johnny Depp. Burdened by some rather unfortunate events in his youth, Willy grew up with a rather poor opinion of parents. This aversion is evident when he gags on any words to do with father, dad or parents.
While Willy Wonka is easily the most recognisable character in the film, the boy Charlie (Freddie Highmore) touched the audience hearts with his simple love for his family. Charlie reminds me of myself when I was younger. While I was never in such abject poverty as Charlie, there was a time when my family had to make do with the simplest things in life.
A visit to the fastfood restaurant was a treat for me and my sister. As for toys, playing with those retro green soldier figurines was one of my favourite hobbies. Lining them up on the floor, I would spilt them into opposing camps with simple strategies. I was like a Field Marshal then Come to think of it, some of my 'J' in my temperament was evident in the way I arranged the soldiers neatly on the floor. Those were days when the simple pleasures were everything to me. I sure miss the simple life of the past. Charlie has brought back a flood of bittersweet, mostly sweet, childhood memories for me.
I shall not say more of the movie. Except perhaps to say that I laughed a great deal. Mind you, I don't bellow in laughter all that easily. CATCF is indeed a fun show with lots of witty lines. It is definitely worth the money that you pay for the tickets.
Do check out the official website for Chalie and the Chocolate Factory. It is a rather creative website. You will also catch snatches of the Oompa-Loompas singing in the background. Quite hilarious, especially if you have seen the show.
Lastly, here's the cover the of book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I have to say that Roald Dahl is indeed a very creative writer. I am looking forward to reading it, that is, if Mydaemon manages to uncover her copy in her piles of book.
8/10/2005 09:07:00 am
I know it's in one of those shelves that are currently inaccessible because of the 101 useless things I've piled up in front. Will do housekeeping soon and dig out the book for you!
Btw his name is Wonka. :)
8/10/2005 09:15:00 pm
Thanks dear. Have amendment the typo. I wonder why I typed "Wonker". Might be something subconscious lolz.
Luna Esa
8/10/2005 09:42:00 pm
Please please go read Mathilda, BFG and The Witches, all by the great Roald Dahl. I swear you wun regret one....HILARIOUS!!
8/10/2005 11:09:00 pm
Ok, will look out for those books. Errr... what does BFG stand for?
Ur Sweet Lullaby
8/10/2005 11:23:00 pm
I agree...Roald Dahl's books are always entertaining. Personally, I have enjoyed Mathilda the most. Have not tried CATCF yet but will try to find time to read it after I've watched the movie. I think the CATCF movie is also made more interesting by Johnny Depp...I think he is a great actor. He is unconventional and his roles are always varied...look at Pirates...Edward Scissorhands...and now CATCF...Good Job Johnny!
8/10/2005 11:46:00 pm
8/10/2005 11:50:00 pm
BFG - Big Friendly Giant.
There's another Roald Dahl book (maybe not as famous?) that I also recommend: Danny The Champion of the World. It's a very touching and funny tale about a father and a son. This is not as 'magical' as the other Roald Dahl's books. It's set in the real world, and there's even illegal activity going on (probably a first in children's books those days). But trust me, it's a hilarious and sweet story, with some daring and outrageous moments. This is one book I want to read again after so long. Teddy - I think you will appreciate this one because of the stories you tell me about your dad. :)
8/12/2005 08:58:00 am
Ok. Let's start a Roald Dahl collection. :)
Luna Esa
8/12/2005 12:53:00 pm
BFG stands for Big Friendly Giant, but the book is really titled BFG
8/14/2005 09:47:00 pm
Thanks. :)
Mydaemon also commented on this. I am really a 'suaku' in the world of literature.