Post Elections Blues True to form, the garmen is back to its very best following its less than convincing win during the May 6 elections. Today the dreaded news is back. The tripartite - Garmen, employers and unions, what unions, are in agreement that our CPF system ain't nimble enough to cut business costs during times of economic downturn. In simple english, the evil capitalist companies think that our wages, a la the CPF portion, are too high. So to be nimble and survive the cut-throat global economic system, employers are encouraged to reduce workers' CPF while increasing that the variable portion of our pays. This simply means that our it is easier to cut our pay. As if one bad news is not enough. Read one or two days back that the transport council, or something like that, is saying that transport fares will not rise above a certain percentage, along the lines of 1.5(?), this year. I remember a time when bus fares for feeder services were pegged at 15 cents for donkey years before they were increased. Now the only time when we don't hear of an increase is the 6 or so months before the elections. I can't wait to hear the good news for our income tax next year. Care to hazard which way it is heading?
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