Fieldmarshal takes on the Great Singapore Sale
Lelong! Lelong! The Great Singapore Sale is on!!! Everything going cheep cheep ah! Well, at least that's what retailers are saying. Can't remember when GSS started. But I can remember the times when Sweetlullaby, Perfect 10 (Sweetlullaby should know who I am talking about) and I, yes your very own Fieldmarshal, would hit the hallowed streets of Orchard to hunt for bargains. Actually, it's the 2 ladies who were on the prowl. I was more like an apprentice learning the art of shopping from the masters.
Guess the shopaholic curse still course through my blood today. I can't help but feel excited when I see advertisements quoting mind boggling discounts of 50% or more, which most of the time are untrue, since the usual price has been marked up, those dirty merchants. Anway, I still like to shop during this period since I can get some necessities are rather low prices. So to Orchard Road I went this evening.
The trip was actually meant for Mydaemon since she's looking for a nice pair of working shoes. But the shopaholic in me stole the show today. Instead of getting her shoes, I ended up with a book - It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be, errr...., briefs, and groceries. Not much of a shopping trip eh. But I think this is the beginning of a rather nice month. G2000 is most likely to earn some cash off me since I am hunting for some groovier officewear. Yah, Fieldmarshal is going chic.
Here's a photo of my raid at Takashimaya and Kinokuniya. And no, the briefs ain't as sexy as the box.
By the way, if you are looking for a good management book with some and sharp insights. I highly recommend the book by Paul Arden. Good buy!!!
Ur Sweet Lullaby
5/30/2006 11:34:00 pm
This GSS is quite boring leh...nothing much to buy...*sigh* most of the shops which I am interested are not on sure or even if they's just a mere 10%!!! What kina GSS is that??
6/01/2006 10:29:00 pm
Hmmm perhaps it is still early days. Btw, you know the newly renovated People's Park centre? There's quite a lot of interesting shops above the hawker centre now. Quite hip. And lots of GSS discount. You may want to check it out. :)