Does Singapore really value its talents? Vaguely remember that I read about this young violin prodigy who applied for deferment from serving national service sometime back. Didn't really put much thought into it since it is really an ikan bilis piece of news to me. I am more interested in reading about the current cross straits situation or the new boo-boos by George Bush. Thought this episode was over the last time. Got curious this time when ST published an update on this today - Mindef turns down violin prodigy's appeal to defer NS. First, I found out that this kid's name is Ike See. Ike? What kind of name is that? Guess all promising musicians or artistes gotta get themselves a designer name. Nothing beats the symbol of a name used by a person known as Prince previously. Let's not let the bloke's name detract me from today's issue, which is my take on this brouhaha. Actually, I beleive that MINDEF has wizened up after the previous debacle where a supposedly famous musician left Singapore so as to 'escape' NS to learn music in London, or someplace in UK? Anyway, the similarities between the 2 cases are all too familiar. Talented kids with the world under their feet only to have the mammoth MINDEF bureaucracy cast a shadow over their bright futures. Personally, I don't see why Ike can't defer his NS till he has graduated from his music course in US. Based on what I read, the Curtis Institute of Music is a great place to be for budding musicians. I am sure MINDEF can wait 2-3 years for this young bloke to learn his craft before trading his in he beloved violin for a M16 rifle 'wife'. As he's 17 years old now, he'd be no older than 21 when he comes back. Even if he decides to stay longer, he should be back around 22-23 years old, still young enough to go through the rigours of NS, which is really nothing nowadays. Well, nothing compared to NS of my time circa early 1990s MINDEF quoted equity as being the main reason for rejecting Ike's appeal. For me, equitability is still maintained as long as Ike comes home to serve his duties. I can understand MINDEF's argument since boys going to local universities can't defer NS till after they graduate. I happen to be one of them. But the difference here is that NUS and NTU are willing to wait for us, Curtis can only wait a year. There's no guarantee that Ike can make it back into Curtis after 2 years of NS, never knowing what's going to happen to his precious fingers during the standard obstacle course etc. If Ike's fail to get into Curtis after NS, Singapore is going to lose a potentially great musician. Is the loss of talent not worth a few years wait? Anyway, the word equity is not something I would use in the military setting. I remember certain platoons having extra long canteen breaks or nights off while the rest of the camp continues with normal 'time-wasting' training. That's 'equity' at its best. Anyway, here's wishing Ike all the best. Hope he doesn't follow the example of the other musician.