ToTo Hong Bao Draw
With 10 million bucks at stake for this Friday's ToTo Hongbao draw, everyone just wants a piece of the action. Thought that by leaving office slightly earlier for lunch would allow me a quick sortie into the Singapore Pools outlet near my office. Alas, how naive I was. There was already a long queue snaking from the outlet way before I can actually see the shopfront. With that, my dream of being an instant millionaire went up in a puff of smoke.
Being a non-gambler, one that bets less than 5 times a year, I have to admit that I was all caught up by the allure of this upcoming Hong Bao draw. Yeah, I am a greedy bugger. But hey, find me someone who's not greedy. The rich wants to get richer while normal blokes like me just can't get enough moolah for daily expenses. Actually, I have enough lah. Just that have some spare cash lying about ain't that bad an idea. Well not all hope is lost. There's this Pools outlet near my place...
2/09/2006 10:58:00 am
Most lottery outlets have extended their opening housr so if you wanna buy, there is always a chance. But the queue will alwasy be there, you wanna buy, you gotta queue.
I have bought my $10 worth of luck and I struck anything substantial, muahahah...but seems rather unlikely,looking through all the Quickpick numbers, they almost looked identical to me.
2/09/2006 05:09:00 pm
Hey, good luck to you! Don't think I will have the time to get my ticket lah. If it's mine, it's mine. Will try my luck another time.
Do remember me if you strike the big one. :)
2/10/2006 05:59:00 pm
Woohoo!!! I got myself 8 sets of numbers!
2/10/2006 10:45:00 pm
Got anything? Mine's a sunken ship...I just especially hate it when they let you get three numbers and you just lack one more to hit something...I got two sets like that.
2/13/2006 08:13:00 am
Wah! You are very lucky. Got only one number right in a different sets of numbers. My dad more 'unlucky'. He got 4 numebers. Almost got a fifth. But missed by a single digit. Well, at least he still won some money. My four bucks are in the drain. Will try again this week.
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