My Last Post as a Bachelor This is it. Once the clock strikes midnight, I am officially struck off the list of bachelorhood. I would have graduated to "marriedhood", if there's such a term in the first place. How do I feel now. Well, I have a headache, a bad cough and my head feels like it is stuffed with cotton. What a time to catch the flu. Seriously, I am excited yet fearful. I am stepping into the unknown. All my years in formal education means nothing as I step into my next phase of life. Doubt my knowledge of erosion and weathering, which I gleaned as an undergrad, would be helpful in marital life. Months and weeks before tomorrow's big day, the 'big' day just felt like any other day. But I now understand why people tell me it's different. I feel it, although I don't know how to define or describe it. All the preparations in the world has not prepared me to be the man of the household. Guess it another learning phase in my life. A phase which I am looking forward to with Mydaemon by my side. Thanks for all the well wishes. I look forward to writing my next post as an undergrad in married life. Till then, that's all folks! Adios... sayonara... goodbye, tata, adieu, 再见...
First Post from New Home!!! Today marks another milestone in the Fieldmarshal's household. Yes, we have finally freed ourselves from the slavery of ignorance, and internetless life, to one of blogging, surfing and downloads. Having been so used to broadband access at home and work, the absence of it in my new place is keenly felt indeed. There were times when we were tearing our hair out trying to find info, which we know is at our fingertips only if we have had access to the wonderful world of the worldwide web. Yup, something as simple as finding out the home delivery number for the Golden Arches turned into a major newspaper flipping exercise. It that incident, we still did not find what we want. Not anymore! Apart from this update. I have a new product to unveil in my blog tomorrow. Shall hold my horses and bear with the need to blurt it out, being the talkative person that I am. So do check in tomorrow. However, I have to caution you guys that it is nothing much at all. But it is another milestone in my materialistic life. Lolz. Like Gump said, "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get". Time for me to make my long trip home to my parents place. Adios folks!
Mr Men turns 35
Coming in all shapes, sizes and colours, Mr Men and Little Miss characters entertained a generation of kids since 1972. Just two years before I was born. Oops, there goes my secret. Anyway, read in BBC that Mr Men is celebrating its 35th birthday. Can't help but take a break from my work to write a short post on it. I am sure that Mr Men and Little Miss characters have touch the lives of my faithful readers and friends.
Being the clumsy guy that I am, guess my character is Mr Bump. With bandages around his blue egg-shaped body, I can't help but feel that's how I would look like in the world of Mr Men. I shall sign off with a picture of Mr Bump here. Here's wishing another 35 years of good clean fun for our kids!